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Klein Sweethearts



Klein Sweethearts Drill Team

  • $200 Registration Fee
  • $150 Fundraiser Fee
  • $175 Accessory Fee (Includes cheer uniform, game day bow, backpack, competition costumes, etc.)
  • $200 Equipment HOLD Check (Returned to parents at the end of the season when all loaned out equipment is returned)
  • $250 Volunteer HOLD Check (Returned to parents at the end of the season when all required volunteer hours have been completed by parent)



Drill Teams

  • The Mascot Drill Team is offered to players ages 4-5 years old
  • Mascots cheer at home and away games.
  • Mascots Practice one hour twice per week.
  • Mascots perform at the leagues drill team competition.


  • The Junior Drill Team is offered to players ages 6-8 years old
  • Juniors cheer at home and away games.
  • Juniors practice an hour and a half twice per week during game season. They practice three time per week during non-game season.
  • Juniors compete one routine at the leagues drill team competition.
  • The Senior Drill Team is offered to players ages 9-12 years old (only up to 6th grade)
  • Seniors cheer at home and away games.
  • Seniors practice two hours twice per week during game season. They practice three time per week during non-game season.
  • Seniors compete two routines at the leagues drill team competition.



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